Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mighty Author

Would you work on your favorite make?

For easy is your reader’s heart to break

For who cannot bear to be tormented

Poems from you for her were first invented.

Against bearing, reasoning and fusion

To learn your bold creation

And those flavors, I shall mention

I linger upon everlasting composition

It serves to keep this heart in motion

I feast upon my endless starvation

For love first takes undue proportion

I am sure will still answer my intention

Of misery a reluctant obsessed

Of all intense passions chest

Of fear fused with binding share

Unknowingly a duel hard to spare

Hysteric fits at least a score

If you find an occasion none or more

From hysteric to fainting fits under pressure

The fair ones pleasure then hard to measure

Of Sighs and groans go in no account

Burden your soul with vast amount

A deranged fever of loss may add

Dear author, you made your lover mad

Pack your hero’s sword and heart

Let your heroine play her part

Her brown eyes were not meant to weep

Hear her voice and in her arms find your sleep

Would you work on your favorite make?

For easy is your reader’s heart to break

For who cannot bear to be tormented

For her your last will never be expected.