Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Good Times

Last time when December was here
I was half awake and half asleep
Dust had not kept any secret from me
I was told; my good times will be here

When May took away all the birds
Rooftops and trees were abandoned
The wind had not kept anything hidden
I knew; my good times is at next corner

When August swallowed all city lanes
Everybody was soaked in hard blown rain
The sparrow hidden in the window pane
told me; my good time will be here

This time when December is here
This time when we have already met
Every moment spent echoes in my ear
Enjoy your good times; Cause its here.........


  1. Hie, wondering how can someone compose so many poems in just two months, dec and jan.

    Have you been writing them since long?


  2. Good Times is a very sweet poem and feel like the poet hope that good time is coming soon.
    I love the way you wit, Good keep writing.
