Saturday, July 18, 2009

Foolish was I

My memory is my fear, hopeless dreams reign
All the stars fade, when I want to see his face
My path is lost, when I think I can reach him
Foolish I tried unlocking my fate without a key.

My miracles won’t happen, endless troubles.
These 15 days have made me old enough.
These 227 miles have defeated my efforts.
Foolish I kept thinking that this won’t be over.

My desires were a burden, I’ll burn them.
This poem that I am writing, I won’t share.
Cut my throat, if you hear me say I love you.
Foolish I still can’t win over my emotions.


  1. Behind the scene: This poem was written for my rommie who was in love with a guy 227 miles away.
    She was confused of her action but not about her emotions...
    I hope she survived...
